Since I’ve posted about cold and snow recently, I thought I had better show you the end result of the most recent winter storm that came through northern Vermont. We got about a foot, or perhaps a little more as the snow had had a little time to compress by the time I took the photo above. It’s very fluffy snow but it’ll be good for snowshoeing after a day or two. I want to stress that this is in no way a complaint; it’s good for our economy when we get fresh snow and in any event, it beats hell out of wildfires such as the Los Angeles area is currently dealing with. It’s also nothing compared to the inconvenience and danger that a lot less snow presents when it falls in the South, where they have no idea how to drive in it and don’t even own snowplows and salt trucks. My prayers for everyone in LA and in Georgia and other places currently dealing with life-threatening situations.
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