Hi! You’ve reached the site of Carole and Jay Furr.
We’re residents of Richmond, Vermont. Carole’s an accountant for the Burlington, Vermont housing authority. Jay works for athenahealth as a trainer. We have four cats and no kids. We’re generic Protestants. We suffer from depression and have been active in the National Alliance on Mental Illness chapter here in Vermont. Carole’s a Harvard graduate. Jay went to Georgia for his undergraduate degree and Virginia Tech for his graduate degree. Carole plays French horn and sings. Jay has so little musical ability that he’s actually been asked not to sing by people at church (they were polite about it, but).
It’s always kind of an interesting prospect, summarizing who you are for the general public, knowing that spammers and identity thieves harvest facts to use for nefarious purposes. On the other hand, the main purpose of this site is to serve as a personal blog, so any sufficiently dedicated villain will find no shortage of data in any event.
Have a nice day!
How much have you looked into the biochem factors of depression? Slightly high blood pressure seems to do a number on Vitamin D absorption which can result in being lethargic. Throw in other factors as simple caffeine or the wrong meal times and you can have sleep hormone problems that can compound that as well. Everyone deals with things differently and there is a wide range of depression from minor inconvenience to paralysing. One small factor that slows down one person just a bit might be devastating to someone else. Good luck on finding the issue and addressing it.
I found your blog because I was curious to see what you were up to as I was recently reminded of some t-shirts you made so long ago.